Optoversity 2023 set for an exciting challenge
18 Jan 2023
Optoversity Challenge on February 5th is set to be gripping with eleven universities entering teams, with the largest – of 13 students – coming from University of the West of England.
Taking place online for all year groups, the format proved during Covid to be an excellent way to engage even more entrants, believes organisers, Out of the Box Optics. The final for the top year optometry students will take place live, supported by the sponsors, at 100% Optical on February 26th.
Major sponsors of the fundraising event for Vision Care for Homeless People are Specsavers and Scope. The support from Scope is particularly close to home as Inderpreet Uppal, Scope’s Professional Optometry Liaison, was part of the very first, 2017 Optoversity team from Aston University, along with team-mate Benji Chandra who is now Chair of Leeds VCHP clinic.
Doug Perkins, founder of Specsavers, is keen to support Optoversity –
‘Specsavers is passionate about changing lives through better sight and hearing. This includes keeping the needs of people who are not so well off in focus. We are also passionate supporters of the next generation of optometrists. So, this event is a great opportunity to engage optometry students in our values and support the valuable work of Vision Care for Homeless People. Good luck to those taking part.’
The optical community is generously supporting February’s event with sponsorship and prizes from many frame and equipment companies. The star prize provided by Keeler is an ophthalmoscope & retinoscope set. Others supporting this year are AOP, Birmingham Optical, Booth & Bruce, FODO, Grafton Optical, Haag -Streit, Heine, Ibis Vision, Lenstec, Louis Stone, Millmead Optical, Mondottica, Norville, Optelec, Performance Finance, Thea and Wolf Eyewear.
There is still time for businesses to become involved in this year’s event, and any interested should contact:
Students wishing to sign up and to raise additional funds for VCHP through sponsorship of their team can find out more at:
Issued for VCHP and Out of the Box Optics
By Janice English

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