Sunday 5th of February saw the first round of the Optoversity Challenge take place. You may have read our previous posts about the challenge where we mentioned that students from all over the UK were coming together to compete; and what a great day was had by all! Taking place online, the students participated with their teams and showed great collaborative skills in achieving their spots on the leader board.
9 Feb 2023
Sunday 5th of February saw the first round of the Optoversity Challenge take place. You may have read our previous posts about the challenge where we mentioned that students from all over the UK were coming together to compete; and what a great day was had by all! Taking place online, the students participated with their teams and showed great collaborative skills in achieving their spots on the leader board.
The next round of the challenge will take place at 100% Optical at the end of this month and IbisVision is delighted to be participating in this too - we’ll have more to update on this soon. But, for now, take a look at the results so far and well done to all who took part!
1. University of the West of England
4. Glasgow Caledonian University
5. University of Hertfordshire
If you’re attending 100% Optical don’t forget to catch up with Vision Care for Homeless People where you will get to see the second half of the challenge take place and find out more about the great work that they do.

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