PR and Media
IbisVision recently featured on The Seven on BBC Scotland, and we're delighted to be able to share this and showcase where IbisVision has got to on our journey. We filmed this exclusive interview in the perfect setting of the Glasgow Science Centre.
26 Jan 2022
IbisVision recently featured on The BBC, and we're delighted to be able to share this and showcase where IbisVision has got to on our journey. We filmed this exclusive interview in the perfect setting of the Glasgow Science Centre. During the interview, our team spoke all about our tele-optometry solution. Our consultant optometrist also carried out remote vision test with innovation correspondent, Laura Goodwin all the way from Birmingham. This was a great opportunity to show our innovative platform and how it can be used in a telemedicine capacity.
If you're interested in hearing more about IBIS-Connect, get in touch with us, here.

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